Our School History
The city of Corpus Christi was named by the Spanish explorers who first sailed into the bay on the Feast of Corpus Christi. Our diocese accepted this title also. In 1966, the Ecclesiastical authorities of the Diocese of Corpus Christi established Most Precious Blood Parish and with its naming placed it under the protection of the Eucharist Lord.
The school officially opened in 1968 and shares the name of its parish. What is now the school cafeteria was actually the church before the new church was built. The school was completed in two phases. The first part of the school contained four classrooms on the south end of the building. The second phase was completed in 1977 which included the present cafeteria, and the classrooms on the north end of the building. The school at one time had students through the 6th grade. In the last few years many changes have occurred . The old wooden shingles from the front of the school were removed. In 2009 two new classrooms were built. The cafeteria was made a little smaller and a computer lab and library were added. The original crucifix that hung in the church has now found its way back to the library where it originally hung before the new church was built. The school continues to grow.
Most Precious Blood Catholic School strives to provide outstanding academic programs to educate and prepare our students fo the world outside our walls. We realize our students will be in competition with others on a global level in a technologically advanced society. As a Catholic school, our hallmark is our Catholic identity; this is truly what sets us apart from other educational institutions. The experience of faith is taught not only through the religion classes, but through the experience of worshiping God and living that faith in every aspect of our school day.
The symbols of our faith are clearly evident from the moment you enter the school and extend into every classroom. These are ever-present reminders to our students that God is part of all that we do. Prayer is a very important part of our school day. Students come to know the person of Jesus Christ by learning and living their faith in action through service. Faith formation is woven into the fabric of a Catholic education.